The Myths and Truths About Home Security Systems

In this unending insecurity and intrusion era, everyone is considering having a home security system. 

We password our phones to protect them from anyone intruding on our privacy, we can choose not to talk to people about our lives to prevent intrusion, but how many steps do we take towards making our home secure? There comes the need for a home security system.

However, choosing a home security system can be difficult regarding the myths surrounding it. Stick around this post as we will debunk various myths and replace them with the truth.

Before we dig into the main dish, let’s quickly have some appetizers.


A home security system is a set of electrical gadgets that work together to provide security for the home through the protection of doors, windows, and all entry points. It ensures the safety of you and your properties through a control panel that receives sensors from all installed gadgets of the system.


In addition to providing security, here are other reasons you should have a security system.

Safety With a home security system, your home and property are safe from external intrusion, burglary, smoke, flood, fire outbreak, and other environmental disasters that may cause physical or emotional damage. The gadgets accurately monitor the home for any risk signs and give signals. This will help to prevent accidents and, in case of one, enhances help in time of emergency.

1. Tranquility or peace of mind 

A different kind of peace of mind comes from knowing your home and properties are secured from any threat. You can sleep with both eyes closed and your mind at rest, whether inside or outside the home. There is also an undiluted assurance as you can always check your system from anywhere in the world.

2. Reduce insurances 

A professionally installed an monitored security system can earn you a 10-20% discount on your insurance payment. The higher the components of the security system, the higher your discount. Read Also:9 Reasons Why No One is Buying from your website (And how to fix them)


For a home security system to effortlessly achieve its aim of protecting the homeowners and their properties and making alerts in time of emergency, it should comprise the following gadgets.

Control panel  

This is the master of all the gadgets that make up a home security system and can be regarded as the system’s heart. All the information relating to the individual component of the security system is received, processed, and acted upon in the control panel. The control panel controls and communicates with the system components all at once using radio signals. It is also linked with the alarm company to aid emergency services when alarms are initiated.


Security cameras are the most important part of a security system. It performs the monitoring and recording function in and around the home. There are indoor and outdoor cameras. The indoors are placed at strategic locations in the house. The outdoor is most encouraged at the main entrance of your home. The number of cameras you need depends on the size of your home.

Glass break sensors

Glass break sensors detect sounds and vibrations that may occur when a glass breaks. It is mainly installed on the window and gives off an alarm when sounds are detected. It is used to deter burglars. However, glass break detectors can only work at a designated frequency. Glass detectors and door and window sensors are prominent members of a home security system.

Yard signs and stickers 

To research, a burglar would instead enter a house without a sticker than one with a sticker. The presence of signs and stickers on windows and other strategic places also contributes to deterring burglars from your home.

Other components of a security system include smoke detectors, motion sensors, and temperature and water sensors. Read also: Top 15 Business Inventory Software to use for your business


Choosing a security system can be arduous as you would be considering the quality of services while trying to fit them into your budget. To determine the best, you have to consider the following;


When considering the cost of a home security system, you will have to consider the equipment, installation, activation, and monitoring costs.

Monitoring services

When selecting your security service provider, confirm if they will provide professional installation and monitoring or DIY [do it yourself] monitoring.

Contract requirements 

Some contracts require a long-term commitment of three years or more which can affect you if you have plans to relocate. Some have a short-term commitment plan, while others are based on one-time contracts.

Glad to see you are still sticking around! Now to the main dish


– Home security is not necessary, a dog is enough

– A landline is necessary for a home security system

– A home security system makes it appear like you are rich and possess quality luxurious items at home.

– Home security systems are too expensive

– A home security system is complicated

1.Myth: a dog is enough for security

The majority of people believe that a big guard dog is enough to provide security for the home. Dogs possess a defensive aura and are good at barking, which can call the attraction of neighbors and even injure the burglar.

Truth: home security is the best

As effective as we may portray it, a dog can be injured and even killed by a skilled burglar. A dog can even be poisoned and rendered useless. Unlike a home security system, a dog cannot monitor the one who is already inside the house. Also, a dog cannot sense fire, water, and other accidents that may happen in the home and cannot raise the alarm.

2.Myth: a landline is a prerequisite for security systems

In ancient times, it is necessary for houses with a security system to have a landline. The landline is used to contact the police or fire agency in times of emergency.

Truth: home security systems are wireless

A home security system is not dependent on a landline as mobile gadgets have replaced them. Also, modern home security systems are entirely wireless. Having a reliable internet connection is essential to ensure consistent contact between service providers and responders.

3.Myth: home security systems are too expensive

Many believe home security systems are too expensive and can do without them.

Truth: home security systems are not too expensive

When considering the loss of quality items and trauma that may succeed a burglary attack, we would realize that every penny spent on acquiring and maintaining a home security system is worth our safety and peace of mind.

4.Myth: home security systems are meant for rich people

If you believe that security systems are meant for wealthy people who have a lot of quality items in their homes, then you are wrong.

Truth: home security system is for everyone 

Home security system is for everyone with a home and property. Regardless of what you consider quality items, it is a fact that everyone’s properties are essential to them, and the security system helps to keep them safe.

5.Myth: home security system is complicated

It is normal for people to view what they do not understand as complicated.

Truth: security system becomes the easiest step to take when you get professional installation and monitoring services.

It is such an awesome ride with you around. Now that you know a lot about home security systems, you can choose the best services for your home.

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