Easy Steps to Grow Your Business Quickly: This is not another repetitive blog post about growing your business. Everything you’ll be learning here has been applied and is still being applied to real-time businesses. These steps were carefully selected to teach you how to expand your business to whatever stage you want to.
Tony Robbins once said, “Success leaves clues.” If that’s true (which it is), all the formidable businesses we now know grew through one of these clues. In this blog post, we will be exploring the practical steps to build and sustain your business.
After reading this, your question will change from “How do I grow my business?” to “How do I apply these steps to grow my business?”
- Audience:
Business is only possible with an audience. Every business thrives on people. Without people, there is no business. So, what should you know about an audience?
a. Know Your Audience: Before anything else, you must know who your audience is, what they want, and what they would like to be.
This is beyond demographics (age, gender, location, etc.); you should also consider their psychographics (values, dreams, passions, etc).
This way, you can tailor your products and services to their specific needs. To experience growth in business, you must first identify and know your business in depth.
b. Focus on Existing Customers: Currently, I know you have customers who patronize you. You shouldn’t neglect them in search of greener pastures. Instead, you should prioritize them. But how do you do that?
c. Customer Experience and Service: Make sure your customer delivery and service are exceptional. Don’t just make big promises, you should also fulfil those promises. Make sure you take note of their complaints and observations and take immediate action to solve them. Give them a thrilling experience when and after they patronize you.
This service leads to two things: customer retention and word-of-mouth marketing.
Read: You Just Lost Another Customer Because You Are Yet to Learn This Customer Service Secret
d. Customer Retention and Word-of-mouth Marketing: If you give your customers an exclusive experience, you’ll retain them, which means more sales for you. Second, they will also become your brand ambassadors. People love to share things they enjoy. They are thankful and want others to experience it too. Most times without the business telling them to do so. But you can take it a step further by creating a “customer referral program.”
e. Customer Referral Program (affiliate marketing): This is one of the best ways to grow your business. If you are observant, this is a business model that is widely used in the mobile application industry to get signups. They encourage you to invite others so you can get a reward. Many of these apps promise financial rewards, incentives, or cashback as a reward for sharing their platforms. You can use this strategy for your business too. Your customers will be so excited to know that they can now get an incentive or enjoy a massive discount on their next purchase because they recommended your business to their friends, family, and colleagues.
- Marketing:
You can’t grow your business without marketing. The truth is that it’s not the best business that wins, but the best-marketed business.
What does that tell you?
You can have the best business in the world but still need to expand and scale it because of poor marketing. To experience business growth, you need to market your products and services shamelessly.
a. Shameless Marketing: The term “Shameless Marketing” is attributed to a Nigerian Internet marketer, Emeka Nobis. He is popularly known as “The Don” and sometimes called the “King of Shameless Marketing.”
Shameless marketing means carrying your business on your head. It means marketing and promoting the solutions your business has to offer without feeling ashamed or afraid of “what people will say.”
Because at the end of the day, shyness won’t pay your bills, nor will it promote and expand your business. Show up shamelessly and promote your business. If 10 people can buy your product, then 1,000 people can also buy it.
b. Consistency: In psychology, there is a cognitive bias called the “Mere Exposure Effect.” The mere exposure effect says, “The more we see something, the more we come to like and trust it.”
This shows the importance of showing up consistently in front of your audience.
Research shows that before your audience can buy your product or service, they need to see it seven times. When you show up consistently, they trust you enough to buy from you. This is how you increase your business growth. Consistency is still one of the most undervalued ways to build a successful business.
c. Social Media Marketing: If you have a business in this day and age but need a social media presence, then you have yet to start. While traditional marketing still works, social media marketing has better cost-effective strategies.
As a business owner, your business should be active on any of the major social media sites: Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and maybe TikTok. You can decide to be active on all these social pages or only a couple of them.
With these pages, you can build a loyal community of raving fans and buying customers. You are more connected with your customers when they can feel your presence on social media.
Each of these societies has different algorithms and “know-how.” But one thing is constant: you must be consistent.
- Team:
To build and grow your business, you need a team. It is worth noting that team members are called employees if you are running a large business.
- Hire the Right People:In one of his speaking engagements, someone asked the leadership expert John C. Maxwell how he hires people.
The leadership expert gave a quite exciting answer. He said, “I have only one rule: I never do the hiring.” There was a negative reaction in the room when he said that. However, after he explained how he was so optimistic about people and overlooked their red flags, they appreciated him for his honesty. He also mentioned that when he stopped hiring people, his organization experienced a new level of growth.
Choosing the right team members is essential. If you need to improve at it, you can hire HR personnel to do that for you. Of course, everyone has weaknesses, but make sure their strengths are much more valuable to the growth of your business than their weaknesses.
a. Invest in Professional Training: Businesses grow to the degree of the people running them. Pay for courses and professional programs so you and your team can improve yourselves and apply what you learned to improve your business.
b. Expand Your Team:As you grow in business, you should hire more people to join your team. As you expand, you’ll need all the hands you can get.
- Business Structure:
A Nigerian digital marketer named Fii Stephen once said, “Two factors are responsible for every business growth: Structure and Marketing.”
If you really want to record growth and expansion in your business, you need a business structure.
Read: 12 Ways To Measure Small Business Success
a. Get Organized:You need to get your business organized. Set some structures in your business, like tasks to do each day, modus operandi, and so on.
b. Detailed Records About Your Business Cash Flow: As we all know, “Cash flow is the bloodline of every business.” This is why you need to track your cash. If not, after paying your staff at the end of the month, you’ll need more to pay yourself and put back into the business.
You should track every money received and spent. Keep a detailed record. You should know the total monthly revenue, expenditures, and profits of your business.
- Revenues and Profits:
So, you might be asking… What are some of the things you should do with your profits?
a. Invest Back into the Business: At the early stage of your business, you should reinvest the profit back into your business. Remember, we are talking about business growth here. And if you definitely want your business to grow, you need a lot of capital. This is one of the easiest ways to grow your small business. Keep reinvesting it in the business until it starts thriving on its own.
b. Social Responsibility: People identify with businesses that take social causes as their priority.
A typical example of someone who practices this business model is the business tycoon and peak performance coach Tony Robbins. He and his business partner, Dean Graciosi, run different free programs every year. You can, however, opt-in for the exclusive option. Once you do that, they will donate one meal to the less privileged. (This doesn’t affect the exclusive packages you’ll receive.) Let’s assume 2,000 people choose the paid option; they will donate 2,000 meals. People love to be associated with causes like this. You can create one for your business, too. Expanding your business has never gotten easier.
c. Host Local Events and Competitions: In Nigeria, many big brands do this right from mathematics competitions, spelling bees, business empowerment programs, track and field competitions, and so on.
This is one of the ways to maintain brand awareness and stay at the top of their audience’s minds. And at these events, they publicize their products and services at any given opportunity.
To wrap it up, as you apply these strategies, you need to give your business time to grow. Currently, your business is in its growth stage. Some of these strategies will work instantly, while others will take time to yield results. But these are still the best steps to grow your business quickly. Implement them in your business and see how it grows exponentially.
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